This from Engadget. Personally I think the SlingBox is one of the best new gadgets in the past ten years. I can't wait to try one out. The idea, and even for a guy who doesn't watch a whole lot a of television, but the idea that I can watch my DirecTV programming anywhere I go is absolutely cool. So I will always keep my eye on what this company does.
--Although we'd caught glimpses of it in the press photos for the SlingLink Turbo 4 Port, the existence of a 1-port version of Sling's 85Mbps powerline networking adapter was strictly rumor until today, when the eagle-eyed placeshifters over at SlingCommunity noticed that the $99 box was up for sale on Sling's website. You're looking at basically the same HomePlug 1.0-compatible box as the SlingLink Turbo 4 Port, but with only one Ethernet jack -- and no need to blow an extra $50 on three extra jacks at the head-end of a powerline setup. No word on whether these things actually pump bits at 85Mbps, but it's not like we can replace our rat's nest of CAT-5 at this point anyway.--
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