Murray over at Palm-Mac got an email from a buddy who got his first taste of the UK iPhone, which is just the US iPhone, but in the UK. Now that we've cleared that up:
-----Forget what all the niggling complainers say about the iPhone
(especially those who've never actually had hands on with one) - if
you get to handle it you will mysteriously find yourself offering up
your credit card without even taking your eyes of the iPhone, as you
repeatedly mutter 'the screen, the screen...'
The experience of actually using it is astonishing. Screen looks like
litho-printed glossy magazine, can be easily read outdoors - even in
full sunlight. Build quality superb, thin, but with a satisfying weight.
OS behaves just like the magical Jobs presentation, this does not
I've used it outside too, as a phone, for mail and Google maps - not
bad for being on GPRS, useable.
But when you get onto wi-fi - yyyeeeehaaaa...----
Do I have to tell you the guy loved it? Even if you're a Apple hater, you have to feel the sense of pure tech joy emitting from the page as you read this guys love at first sight experience. Continue
I got my hands on an iPhone for the first time night before last and I fully endorse the UK users comments. It is so beyond the coolest phone I've ever seen that I can't even put it into the category of a phone as that would insult it. I'm trying to find "the guy downtown" who can make the phone work with any service so I can use it with my Sprint contract.
Posted by: Bodie Plecas | September 27, 2007 at 10:32 AM
Yeah...that's not going to happen, sorry Bodie the iPhone only works on GSM networks, Sprint is CDMA. The "unlock" doesn't change the network band, only unlocks it from AT&T clutches. But nice to see you excited about something techy!
Posted by: MPaper | September 27, 2007 at 10:41 AM