If more people would sit down and share the pleasures and nuances of the aromatic coffee bean, I find that most disagreements would be squashed, ok maybe not, but in my world they would be. The last thing any business or store owner wants to do is create negative press or problems concerning his/her product. In East Lansing, Michigan a coffee company named "Beaner's Coffee" has been growing by leaps and bounds and is primed for continual explosion, that is when it was brought to the attention of the CEO, Bob Fish and others that the name of their company was a slang derogatory name for Mexicans. Mexican's/Latin American's were knows as bean eaters, hence the term, yeah pretty high brow stuff! The company has appropriately renamed themselves to Bigby Coffee effective of Jan. 31, 2008. It is a good move, since the company is growing and if national exposure is around the corner, the slightest thing could be harmful to their best efforts. Read
This is not news...it's just white people in amerika being white...
white people wanna stick their noses in everything everywhere...and always be politically correct...who makes uP this crap...yep you guessed it...white people...
Why do you think this is...that name doesn't bother anyone but white people...because somewhere...some white person is looking to git paid...that's right...ca$h...money...dollar bills...anyone disagree...LMK...on my gourmet coffee snob blog.
premium connoisseur peaberry coffee
Always Drink Better Coffee
SpotaJava Coffee
Posted by: gourmet coffee snob | September 17, 2007 at 06:46 AM