Are you alone? Have you been searching for that sure fire way to keep others from ever wanting to have anything to do with you, ever agian? Then today is your lucky day! Wed yourself until death do you part with the ""VanityRing".
What's a VanityRing! Why it's a ring that glorifies and intensifies your love of self! Sure, Google has made you a star by listing your name and allowing strangers to hit it and find out about you, but nobody knows but you! With the VanityRing, you can show off just how many times someone has hit your name listing in Google. The VanityRing connects to your computer and downloads all the activity happinnig around your name while you sleep. Of course this is just a prototype for the erudite who needs to show everyone they know all there is to know about themselves.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, if this does actually see the light of day, and you go out get yourself one, yes, yes you will solidify your loneliness.
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