As of 2006 there was an estimated 299,398,484 people living in America, 36,457,549 of them live in California, 9,948,081 live in Los Angeles. If you have 13 cites with the exact population of Los Angeles around the world, you'll get about 4 million more users than Mozilla's COO John Lilly says are currently using Firefox.
The COO is getting his numbers from from the Firefox update service.
--- Lilly arrives at the 125 million user estimate by leveraging the statistical data collected by the Firefox application update service. The Firefox web browser sends an anonymous request to the update servers every single day to check for new versions. Counting the total number of pings makes it possible for Mozilla to guess roughly how many instances of Firefox are running on any given day, a metric that Mozilla refers to as Active Daily Users (ADU). This number has climbed from 23 million in October 2006 to 48 million at the high point in November, Lilly says.---
If this is true, that's a lot of folks even when you consider the population of India is over 1 billion. But this can also be a bit like Microsoft's claim over 1 million Zunes sold a few months ago. Just because they're on the shelves that doesn't mean consumers are buying or using them. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Firefox numbers weren't close to accurate.
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