This one is just sad. Microsoft has to pull Santa from Live Messenger because he was being naughty.
An artificial-intelligence Santa bot operated by Microsoft to talk to children wavered off topic saying: "It's fun to talk about oral sex, but I want to chat about something else...."
Microsoft confirmed the bot's potty mouth and snipped Santa's Web connection. The corpulent and foul-mouthed artificial Santa was a bot that Windows Live Messenger users could insert into their IM buddy list as [email protected].
Isn't anything sacred anymore? The post from PCWorld goes onto talk about how this was discovered by two girls11 and 13 years old. After it hit the Register, it didn't take long before folks were getting Santa to cop to being a pedophile and having sex with Sen. Larry Craig. Okay, I was just kidding about that last one but folks did get Santa to cop to being gay, unlike Sen. Craig.
"Yesterday we received reports that the automated Santa Claus agent in Windows Live Messenger used inappropriate language. As soon as we were alerted, we took steps to mitigate the issue, including the removal of language from the agent's automated script. We were not completely satisfied with the result of these actions, and have decided to discontinue the automated Santa Claus agent," Microsoft said in a statement sent to Network World.
So now, we must all bid a fair adieu to Santa for this year. Hopefully Santa will get some much needed rest after this holiday season is over and be able to put this all behind him before next year.
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