There's a lot of "Kiss My Butt" going on out there today, and a lot of it seems to be directed at Microsoft. Okay, they've been told to pucker up twice today, but for Microsoft, the one time "Do What We Say" company, that's a lot in one day.
This time Nokia, a Symbian stronghold in the mobile universe told Microsoft to take their OS and shove it. This comes after the kneel down of Sony Ericsson to the Empire with their first device running WM.
Nokia joins a a growing line of companies turning to Microsoft and saying, "We don't need no stinking badges".
However, I don't expect this to be the official statement from Nokia for too much longer. Ericsson's move leaves them as the lone sole Symbian maker in the universe. A placement that could soon find them in the soup line with Palm. But hey, maybe they'll talk, discover they have a few things in common and join forces to create something really unwanted unexpected.
I still think that Nokia makes great entry-level cellphones, but not so great PDA's/smartphones. They don't stand a chance against Blackberry, Windows Mobile or Apple, and so you're right-- it places them down there with Palm, although even Palm sells Treo's with Windows Mobile...
Posted by: GoodThings2Life | February 11, 2008 at 03:31 PM
I can't believe you actually AGREE with me on something! It's a great day in America!
Posted by: Mpaper | February 11, 2008 at 07:26 PM