I have to say, I like Google apps far more than I ever thought I would. The other day I opened my Google Docs in Opera Mini on My Blackberry and jotted a few things done.
When I got to my desk I opened it up on the desktop and continued jotting. Quick, easy seamless.
But have you ever logged on and got that "Google is experiencing technical problems" page? Or just simply noticed that something was slightly different about your account? Well Google says they are updating their Google apps all of the time. Sometimes with updates we don't even noticed.
But I am positive that this constant update process interferes with the connections sometimes. A big pain in the but when you're sending a email.
Well Google has decided to help us out in that area by creating a Google RSS feed that will be updated with news on any and all of their improvements in Google Apps. Now whenever you want to know what Google just did or are about to do, you can keep track of it in your favorite newsfeed.
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