0.21% is the jump that Safari on Windows has made since it went from 3.0 to 3.0.1 says Net Applications, a browser and OS tracking company. More and more Windows users are giving the browser from Apple a try, especially since it force fed itself onto them via iTunes. But however they try it, they're trying it and apparently a growing number of users are liking it.
This is great news for Apple and for any web designer. I myself in the last two weeks have discovered how painful IE7 really is. On another site in development, the site looks and preforms beautifully in Safari and just about every other browser than IE7. IE7 is the only one that completely messes everything up. The IE8 Beta even does a better job at rendering. After reading page after page and forum after forum, I quickly found out that I'm not the only one who wishes everyone would stop using the lousy browser. And that's not just coming from a Apple fanboy, the bulk of which are PC users.
Anyway, this is a good sign that more and more PC users are moving away from IE7 and trying out other browsers, Safari being one of them.
The one problem I've noticed with open source template designers (especially in the WordPress community, as much as I like them) is that they tend to purposely design their templates to not be IE-friendly, and yet if you try to check them on W3C for standards compliancy, they often fail just as miserably as IE-designed templates.
This is why I have always preferred to design my templates from scratch or else spend days rewriting a good template that I do like.
By the way, I haven't been ignoring MorningPaper... just have been swamped with work. We're in the middle of a building move for our company, and I've been working weekends and late in the evenings. :)
Posted by: GoodThings2Life | May 01, 2008 at 09:59 AM
PS--- Safari is just as awful as IE for its own reasons. I have used it, I hated it, and I will never use it again. Long live Firefox!
Posted by: GoodThings2Life | May 01, 2008 at 10:01 AM
The Triumphant return! Actually, Firefox and Safari are both rendering great as far as my screenshots say, it's just IE 6 & 7 that completely suck (to use an 80's term). I don't have a hug problem with Firefox, but it has it's quirks too.
Posted by: mpaper | May 01, 2008 at 10:10 AM
Safari is a unique browser and its colour schemes differentiates it from other browser.
Posted by: ethan mcgrath | May 28, 2008 at 03:56 AM