You done it before, of course you have, we all have, but it's a costly move every time you get made at your alarm clock for doing what you told it to do. New alarm clocks and whole filler for your walls are eating away at your retirement. Here's the perfect remedy, "Throw" Alarm clock does just that, It allows you to throw it, every morning. Soon you'll get good enough that you'll throw it in such a manner that hit bounces back and hits you in the head. That'll get you up.
This is smart idea. All they need is a few more themes and they'll be a fortune500 company in no time.
"These brilliant alarm clocks can only be turned off by bouncing them or throwing them - It's the ultimate in morning anger management.
These clocks have all the features on would expect from an alarm clock : time, date, LCD display, alarm/ hourly chime (if desired) but come in our favourite sport ball shapes – Cricket, Golf, and Football (Special Edition Silver or Normal).
They also come with a circular stand to prevent the ball from rolling off your bedside table.
Get out that alarm clock morning frustration and get going with our ‘Throw' Alarm clocks!
·Available as Football, Special Edition Silver Football, Golf Ball or Cricket Ball.
·Comes with separate base.
·Made of durable, slightly flexible vinyl for durability.
·Requires 1 x LR1130 button Watch battery (included)
·Size: 10.2 cm diameter.
·This is not a toy - Ages 3 plus"
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