I'm posting this from Sunny Southern California, so admittedly changing weather really isn't my concern. We get three different weather conditions, four if you count night air.
1. Sunny and Hot
2. Slightly Overcast
3. Rain
"If" it ever rains here, our local news teams lose their ever loving minds and go on "STORM WATCH". Each major station puts reporters in the four corners of the affected area. The entire news show then becomes reporters reporting to the anchors that it's raining. I kid you not, it's the most ridiculous Spectical you'll ever wittness.
Coming from a Mid West state where snow, tornadoes or sweltering heat and humidity leave you with a few nice days out of the year, I know what changing weather is like. But even in those states, don't you pretty much know what's coming? I mean outside of an "act of God" surprise event. If you went to bed and it was snowing, it's a pretty good bet that it's going to be cold the next morning and snow will be on the ground.
So why all the weather apps?
Every week there is at least two new Weather apps made for Palm. Blackberry is well on it's way to catching up. Windows Mobile gets its fair share of new and improved weather apps as well. And the brand new iPhone has five that I've counted.
I bet that If I really paid attention, I could point you to a new Weather app or Widget for MacOS every single day.
Every Social Networking site, every "internet home page" or desktop client comes with a weather module prominately centered for your convenience.
We have an entire television channel devoted 24/7 to it, talk radio updates you every 15 minutes, FM music stations every half hour. Every major newspaper has an entire page dedicated to weather across your local area. At this point in our technological evolution, ascertaining local or regional weather is as easy as lifting your arm and checking the time.
Enough with the Weather apps!!!
Look outside your window, or look up, or use that weather app that came with your phone, IT provider or OS. I'm sure that app you bought for your device awhile backs works just as good today as it did when you bought it.
Developers, you've done yoman work giving us pretty, slick and functional weather apps, great job. How about now turning your skills over to some apps we can really use. Like a "ScreenCapture" app for Blackberry that doesn't require the use of a desktop computer.
Or a better, faster, more stable "Browser" for Palm that doesn't require a huge "Java" download to run on the PalmOS.
The Skies the limit developers, but let's put a hold skies "apps" for a little bit, we're all good there.
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