All the speculation over the last few weeks about the 800w launch has indicated that Sprint will be the first carrier to launch the rumored 800w WM Smartphone from Palm. However, nyc_rock has posted at TreoCentral that he visited with an employee of Verizon, who claimed to be holding a VZW demo model of the phone.
Gosh, I hope this is accurate, because I'm with Verizon, and the last several new smartphone releases have always hit ATT or Sprint months before VZW releases them, if ever. This drives me nuts; and I don't understand why it's this way. I really like my service with Verizon, but they seem to be so consumed with feature phones that they leave little attention to the smartphone market. I was always under the impression that the phone manufactures alternated between all of the carriers. The last couple of years, however it's been only between ATT and Sprint.
I'm eligible for my "New Every Two" upgrade and am strongly considering the XV6800, but would like to see the 800w first.
Fingers crossed.
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