It was strange, I never went into this game with the secure feeling that the Patriots were going to win. I wasn't confident, but the Patriots really weren't confident. I told my friends who I watched the game with we would know the outcome by watching which Patriots Defense takes the field in the first Giants possession. Would it be the beginning of the 07 regular season defense, or would it be the last five regular season games defense.
It was the latter. Even though they held them to a field Goal, the writing was on the wall in that first possession. There was little doubt that Brady and company was going to have some trouble with the Giants pass rush, so the defense would have to control the game, and outside of red zone, they couldn't. This will always, always lead to a 4th quarter loss because you can't defend the red zone indefinitely.
But there were two things that foretold this loss. 1. The Pats didn't take the field nor play the game with that swagger they had all season long. They were tight and angry throughout, on both sides of the ball. 2. Tom Brady's girlfriend was at the game. This was the big one. He knows better than that. So much so that he called Tony Romo to tell him so after the whole Jessica Simpson debacle. As soon as I saw her, I turned to my friends and said "the Patriots are going to lose".
Of course I'm not trying to say that they didn't play the worst game I've seen them play in a few years, because outside of Wes Welker and Lawrence Mulroney, they looked absolutely horrible out there. But sports superstitions are a serious matter. You don't break one in the most important game.
But all credit to the Giants who played a game with all heart. And the one thing I as a Patriot fan can take away from this is Eli Manning. I'm not a fan of his, but he just did what "the Great" (and I say that sarcastically) Peyton Manning couldn't do for nine years in the league. Now finally, even though it will be another Manning, maybe the NFL and announcers will stop kissing the butt of Peyton all year long. He's an average QB with a great set of receivers and route runners that could make Billy Volek look good. His younger brother just proved it, Eli IS better QB than Peyton, even if the numbers don't bare that out.
Congratulations Giants fans!
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